Welcome, this is a beginner's guide for people starting out in pvp or
recently came back from a hiatus and need a refresher on stat priority. Updated for 5.3.
recently came back from a hiatus and need a refresher on stat priority. Updated for 5.3.
Mindset and General Arena Tips
As a warrior, your job is to tunnel damage as much as possible while at the same time keeping track of cc and preventing it from lading on your healer. Use charge to prevent sheeps and fears form landing on your healer. Always eat hunter traps with intervene/safeguard and always spell reflect cc.
For the most part you want to fear on cooldown but watch out for fear ward, have your partner's dispel it if possible. And remember shockwave can be used to cc healers too!
For the most part you want to fear on cooldown but watch out for fear ward, have your partner's dispel it if possible. And remember shockwave can be used to cc healers too!