Absolutely Must Have Warrior Macros
With the addition of the Mist of Pandaria the number of must have macros has gone down considerably but there still remain some very useful ones. This blog is accurate as of patch 5.1.0a Word of Warcraft Mist of Pandaria.
Intervene Banner
#showtooltip Mocking banner
/run if not InCombatLockdown()then SB=SB or CreateFrame("Button","SB",nil,"SecureActionButtonTemplate")SB:SetAttribute("type","stop")end
/click SB
/cast !mocking banner
/tar [noharm] mocking banner
/cast !intervene
/cast !mocking banner
Avatar + CS
#showtooltip Avatar
/cast Avatar
/use 13
/use 10
/cast Colossus Smash
Charge Focus on modifier with cancel aura
#showtooltip Charge
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cancelaura trapped in amber
/cast [nomod] charge, [mod, target=focus] charge
Thunderclap space saver macro
/cast [modifier] Thunder Clap; Colossus Smash
Deadly calm
#showtooltip Heroic Strike
/cast Deadly calm
/cast heroic Strike
BG rallying cry macro
/cast rallying cry
/use alliance battle standard
Fear Macro
#showtooltip Intimidating Shout
/cast [nomodifier] Intimidating Shout; [modifier, target=focus] Intimidating Shout
Intervene friendly player macro
/cast [mod,@mitzisukie][@mouseover,exists,noharm,nodead][] !Intervene
Pummel with cansel aura stopcasting
#showtooltip Pummel
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cast [target=focus, modifier] Pummel; Pummel
#showtooltip Recklessness
/cast Recklessness
/cast skull banner
/USE 13
/cast Colossus Smash
Execute w/ equip 2 hander
#showtooltip execute
/equip [nomod] Malevolent Gladiator's Greatsword
/cast execute
Shield Wall
#showtooltip Shield Wall
/equip Malevolent Gladiator's Slicer
/equip Malevolent Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast Shield Wall
Spell Reflection
#showtooltip Spell reflection
/equip Malevolent Gladiator's Slicer
/equip Malevolent Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast spell reflection