Friday, November 16, 2012

Best Hunter PVP Talents

The Absolubtly Best Hunter PVP Talents for World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria 

Welcome adventurer's this is a quick guide for Hunter pvp talent's for patch 5.0.5

Talent Breakdown

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera is a must have against caster teams for the reduced cooldown on Deterrence.  It can be swapped out for
Narrow Escape in order to trap a hunter's Stampede, landing a trap, and rooting dps out of position.

 Silencing Shot is great for stopping a mages opener or cc'ing a healer.

Aspect of the Iron Hawk is a must have for hunter's in arena. Exhilaration is useless if you can't use it while stunned. Since hunter's are likely to die in a stun, the passive damage reduction from Iron Hawk is an absolute must have.

Thrill of the Hunt is great for Beast Mastery, with this talent you will hardly ever find the need for Cobra Shot.

Blink Strike is great for positional reasons, but Lynx Rush is still great for burst as of patch 5.0.5. With 5.1 coming soon Lynx Rush will lose it's burst but will still be good in terms of low gcd count.

Glaive Toss is almost unanimously the best tier 6 talent. Power Shot is decent but hard to get off in arena.

You can also use these in arena

Narrow Escape is great for putting melee dps out of position while training a healer. You can also use Narrow Escape to land a freezing trap or for peeling

Dire Beast is used by some to troll the enemy team into thinking you popped stampede. It's decent damage but Thrill of the Hunt is better in terms of energy efficiency.

Lynx Rush is great for it's burst and low gcd count. With the upcoming nerfs to Lynx Rush in patch 5.1 Blink Strike will look much more promising.

Powershot has potential for burst in battlegrounds and in arena under casting speed increases. Unlike Glaive Toss, it wont break cc as easily and has more burst.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Avensky 2v2 Arena

How to beat Mage/Rogue as Hpali/Warrior

1) Survive the opener
2) Survive 2-3 bursts
3) Train mage and switch to rogue constantly
4) Staying sword and board for long periods of time is not an issue